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4th Iran International Aluminium Conference    
Vom Mittwoch, 11. Mai 2016
Bis Donnerstag, 12. Mai 2016

With the participation of attendees from France, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Russia, USA, Norway, Finland, 
Turkey, Germany, China, Oman, India, China, Iran and ... this international event is to be considered the start
of a new era for business and scientific opportunities in Iran and around the globe. 

Overall 240 abstracts have been submitted to the conference of which 120 full texts are received up to this point. 
Prior to the conference two days of workshop will take place utilizing the expertise of specialists.

The workshop titles presented are as follows: Aluminium Reduction Technology, Aluminium Anodizing and Surface Treatment,
Aluminium Extrusion Technology

Also alongside the conference many technology sessions will be coordinated by pioneers in the Aluminium industry.  

Weitere informationen:
Ort Olympic Hotel, Teheran, Iran
Kontakt http://www.iiac20.ir
Kategorie:  Messen/Ausstellungen GT

Eugen G. Leuze Verlag GmbH & Co. KG
Karlstraße 4
88348 Bad Saulgau

Tel.: 07581 4801-0
Fax: 07581 4801-10
E-Mail: info@leuze-verlag.de


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